A know-how and an expertise at the service of creation and innovation.
NabGen Technology relies on a strong scientific team used to the current standards of research and technological innovation.
Bolstered by its expertise and know-how, the team’s platform intends to bring strategical solutions in the fields of nanobodies generation, production and purification of proteins, biophysical studies and structural biology, to academic and private project leaders operating on the whole spectrum of research.
Alain ROUSSEL, Head of Research
Scientific Director of NabGen Technology
Researcher in structural biology, Alain Roussel leads a team of research for which the main subject is the understanding of host-pathogen interactions. Nanobodies have long been used as aid for crystallization in the team, and also more recently to realize functional studies. Thanks to his accumulated expertise at the molecular and structural level of the nanobodies, he is a qualified interlocutor for the launch of new projects.
Alexis DOGLIANI, PhD student
Coordinator of the production, purification of proteins and biological studies group
Holding a master degree in Microbiology and Biotechnology, Alexis worked on a high throughput protein expression and purification platform, where he was in charge of multiple projects of protein production. He joined the NabGen team to share his expertise in antibody cloning, production and purification.
Flora HONORE, Engineer
Coordinator of the Protein production in eukaryotic cells and extracellular vesicles group.
Specialized in molecular biology, protein biochemistry and cell biology, Flora has worked on various organisms, from bacteria to giant viruses and from amoebae to human cells. In particular, she has studied chaperone proteins and their interaction networks at the molecular level. She also contributed to the discovery of the genomic DNA structure of the giant virus Mimivirus. At NabGen Technology, Flora is a specialist in the production of nanobodies in eukaryotic cells and supports Solène in the generation of nanobodies.
Solène MATHIEU, Engineer
Coordinator of nanobodies’ generation and production group
Specialized in biological and biochemical engineering, Solene has worked on the efficacy study of a drug candidate antibody. Within the NabGen Technnology team, she works as a research engineer and is in charge of the generation and production of nanobodies.
Philippe LEONE, PhD
Consultant for biophysical and structural studies.
Researcher in structural biology, Philippe Leone uses nanobodies as versatile molecular tools (crystallization, purification, detection) as a part of his research projects. He brings his expertise to the NabGen Technology team for biophysical and structural studies.
Christian CAMBILLAU, Emeritus Head of Research
Scientific consultant
Christian Cambillau has been a pioneer for the study of nanobodies since 1994. He published the first crystallographic structure of a nanobody and revealed the structural and functional characteristics of those compounds. First used as aid for crystallization, those binders are essential for functional studies. His position allows him to be a scientific consultant in long-term projects.